Seminar on hermeneutics

Coordinated by Carlos R. Ruta and Laura S. Carugati

Undergraduate and postgraduate seminars

The purpose of the undergraduate and postgraduate seminars is to approach questions and problems related to the human condition from a philosophical hermeneutic perspective, using concepts such as understanding, meaning, logos, dialogue, irony, love, fantasy, imagination, dialectical synthesis, among others, as a common thread.
The main objective of the seminars is to promote philosophical analysis and reflection within a given theoretical framework. The reading and analysis of philosophical texts from a historical-hermeneutical perspective, i.e. in their finitude or relativity, aim to enable participants to acquire and appropriate concepts and argumentative procedures that will allow them to propose, develop and support a philosophical thesis. In addition, the practice and improvement of philosophical argumentative writing is promoted.

  • The hermeneutic dimension of translation
    2nd term of 2021
    Lecturer: Laura S. Carugati

  • “Existing" Its conceptual development in Hegel's Science of Logic
    2nd term of 2021
    Lecturer: Jorge Eduardo Fernández

  • A History of Jewish Thought / From the Bible to Postmodernism
    2nd term of 2021
    Lecturer: Daniel Goldman

  • The Ontological Turn of Hermeneutics. The third part of Hans-Georg Gadamer's "Truth and Method"
    2nd term of 2021
    Lecturer: Carlos Rafael Ruta