Seminar on Poetics

Coordinator: Jorge Fernández

If poetry, a poem, a work of art, refers us to the original signs or signals of a time, a community, a civilisation, a culture, it is so insofar as it responds, from its immediate link with language, to the possibility - the need of men to have their tasks, passions, in short, their existence, their lives, pass through the word.
Seen from this original immediacy of language, what we call poetry precedes, and in a certain sense anticipates, any theoretical vision of the world. Poetry summons and shapes in language the mythical-ethical core of a people, of a community that needs to say (itself) in its daily tasks, events, rituals, in short, to say (itself) in (its) space and in (its) time.
An intermediate path, between creation and criticism, largely undertaken by hermeneutics, opens up a wide range of paths that we could summarise in two maxims:
 1.Giving the word to the work
2. The work signifies, and even more, creatively surprises us, in a space granted to pre-understanding.
In this space, poetry is nourished and woven from its links with art, language and thought.
The proposal of this Permanent Seminar on Poetics is to get together to share works and interpretations that allow us to explore the exchange of signals between poetic creation and interpretation.