Services and Consultancy


University of San Martin offers a wide range of solutions to society as a whole through consultancy and technical assistance in the area of the social sciences and humanities, art, architecture, natural science and technologyUNSAM stands out for the diversity of thematic areas, the multidisciplinary approach and a successful track record of work in collaboration with industry, NGOs at both national and international levels.

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Thematic areas

Ciencia y
Imaging diagnosis; Biomedical technology; Solid state characterization; Characterization of materials by X-ray scattering and diffraction; Design of embedded and microfabrication systems; Diagnosis with molecular cytogenetic techniques; Hardware Infrastructure Management, New enabling technologies for space applications. More
Economía y
Industrial organization and public policies; international economy; organization and management of companies; national, regional and sectoral economy; open science; productive development; tourism; natural resources and mining; knowledge-based services; manufacturing industry; associative business schemes (clusters, industrial or productive districts, among others); citizen science; sustainable development. More
Teacher training; vocational training; english teaching; indigenous languages; bilingualism; feminisms and democratization; literacy; early childhood development; audiovisual production; bullying prevention; vocational orientation; education. More
Política y
Public policies and public administration; environment; local politics; electoral systems and political processes; gender policies; public contracts; citizen participation; participatory initiatives; Forms of decision and deliberation; new technologies; federal and fiscal policy; security politics; Information security; human rights; educational policies; International cooperation; Latin American politics; open government. More
Instituto de
Altos Estudios Sociales
Ruralities and globalization; climate change: social and economic impacts, communication and culture; migrations; violence and death; indigenism; town planning; art history and visual culture; social and cultural history of the world of work; gender; sexualities and feminisms; politics; society and culture in the recent history of the southern cone; law and institutions; Japan; China; digital technologies; Culture and society; privacy; Culture and society; Argentine elites; dictatorships of the southern cone and their legacies; media; journalism and politics; youths; Science and Technology; Health; environment and work; graphic culture and printed image; transportation and mobility; financing; value and distribution; productive development, environment and development, local development. More
Instituto de Artes
Mauricio Kagel

Art and education; art and territory; art and science; contemporary art; shows and concerts; creative visual and sound technologies; visual and audiovisual documentary languages. More

Instituto de Investigación
e Ingeniería Ambiental

Analytical services and possible developments in issues of treatment of liquid effluents, industrial sludge, environmental remediation in soils and waters, pilot scale development for bioremediation, biogas production; training and advice on environmental, social, occupational safety and risk issues. More

Instituto de Investigaciones

Vaccines; bioreactors; recombinant proteins; purification; biofertilizers; biopesticides; biotoxicity; bioinformatics; bioentrepreneurs; aquaculture. medical biotechnology, physicochemical. regenerative therapy service with mesenchymal cells in bone, joint and muscle lesions in horses. stem cell bank from equine, canine and feline bone marrow and adipose tissue. bovine embryo production service by somatic cell nuclear transfer (cloning) to producers. quantitative analysis of semen by means of house (IVOSII, hamilton thorne) in bovine, equine, swine, ovine and salmonid species. More

Instituto de Investigaciones
sobre el Patrimonio Cultural

Study; investigation; conservation and restoration of artistic assets; archival; museographic and bibliographic of national and international heritage; education and training in conservation and advice to public and private institutions on restoration and conservation issues. More

Instituto del

Institutions and transport policies; railway policies; commercial air policies; passenger and cargo motor transport policies; transportation and climate change; sustainable urban mobility; railway technological innovation; cargo logistics; urban logistics; data analysis and transportation. More

Instituto de Arquitectura
y Urbanismo

Architectural project; urban and territorial project; Strategic plans; architectural and urban history; territorial and landscape history; preservation; restoration and recycling; technological innovation in the field of construction; technical training in the field of the construction industry. More

Instituto de

The Institute is oriented towards the chemistry of materials. We specialize in the design and synthesis of nanomaterials and testing their application in different areas, such as energy, sensors, medicine, agroindustry. More

Instituto de Ciencias de la
Rehabilitación y el Movimiento

Health workforce; nursing education; interprofessional education; clinical simulation; occupational therapy; mental health; public health; rehabilitation services; community health workers; social participation and health; community oriented rehabilitation services; epidemiology; sociology of health, comprehensive rehabilitation. More